E-Book Review: Heritage / Author: S.M Boyce
Received an ARC from the lovely Boyce last year, couldn't review it then, by the time I did, Daily Times (my paper) had decided YA wasn't suitable for it OP-ED Pages. This Blog is only for my published work but I promised the author a review, so here it is. Apologies for the delay S.M. P.S: I am looking forward to Illusion. Reviewed by: Afrah Jamal ‘ Heritage ’ which was to mark the grand finale of the Grimoire trilogy is now the third installment in a series of four. The YA fantasy still hurtles towards the end but the adventure is far from over. And former rookie Kara Magari is busy trying to balance two thankless jobs as the wise Vagabond, and her true nature revealed at the end of ‘ Treason ’. Change is in the air for both realms and newcomers vie for Ourea - the fictional land envisaged by S.M. Boyce and brought to life in ‘ Lichgates’ - Book I . Book III that was supposed to wind up our heroines arc, marks the continuation of the same journey that began when Kar...